Want to lose weight but love food? Hate diets? Do you like eating, drinking (a being merry) during the holidays, at parties, or events? Do you want to ‘have your cake and eat it, too?” You can!! (take it from me, a lover of all thing cheese, cake, and salty snacks!) It’s completely possible to lose weight without dieting. Get Full. Get Skinny. Never Diet Again.
As a foodie and former fat girl I wanted to eat everything but be fit and feel skinny. I discovered an easy way to lose weight and keep it off without dieting. Now I want to teach you how to lose weight without dieting. This trick really helped me overcome my emotional and binge eating disorder and I really think it’s going to help you, too.
If you follow these tips, you can, lose weight without feeling like you’re on a restrictive (and triggering) diet! You can still eat foods you love and get skinny. Any time. Any day. Any where. How, you ask? Eat smart. Get it Right, Get it Tight! Here are my easy tips that you can start today that will show you how to trick your body into eating more and lose weight. Mind Right, Body Tight
Burn it, to Earn it – You know you’re not going to want to work out after you eat so get a sweaty, 30-minute session in first. Not a fan of sweat or intensity? Do low intensity exercise for 60 min. Walk. Bike. Do Yoga
Drink Water Like it’s Your Job – have 2 glasses of water 20 to 45 minutes before it’s time to eat
Bite rally’s – Take one bite of protein (lean proteins, please), take 2 sips of water, then 2 bites of a veggie, then a bliss bite of the good stuff, i.e. a buttery, creamy, sweet, and/or cheesy. Repeat until you’re at a level 5 on the Hunger Scale * see the next bullet* I don’t recommend eating until you feel so stuffed that you’re uncomfortable. If you’re used to eating until your plate is clean or your pants are about to pop… try
Eat according to the Hunger Scale – A negative -10 is ravenous. A zero is neither hungry or full… you’re content. A +10 is Thanksgiving Dinner, stuffed. Thousands of calories can happen between a 0 and a need-to-unbutton-my-pants- 10. For the best results, eat when you’re at a -4 and eat until you’re at a 5. Don’t forget to drink water first. Dehydration often times feels a lot like hunger. Drinking water will help you know if you’re truly, tummy-rumbling hungry.

That means your body will hit the easy button and store the food you’ve eaten as fat so it can process and pass the alcohol from your body first. To help your body flush the booze and burn calories from food rally your drinks too!
Do Drink Rally’s – For every cocktail you enjoy, have 2 glasses of water to keep your metabolism, pipes and liver happy and up to par.
Still tempted to eat even though you’re full? Do something that competes with the urge. Do anything that’s productive or fun. Do the dishes, take a walk, play with your kids, clean, return a call, research online, whatever you want or need to do that doesn’t involve food.
It works, if you work it!
If you struggle with Emotional eating or Binge Eating, check out these posts. I think you’ll find them really helpful.
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